Wednesday, September 29, 2010


( I am hungry )

 Well it has been a long time since one has written. I am not good at this blogging thing, and therefore I do not see it as a necessity in my day to day life, though it is nice to share, because, for some, this is the only way, or one of the ways, to find out what has been going these past days or weeks. 

 Simply said, Harvest On Main, is an incredible place of work, Chef Danny M. is a one talented son of a bitch, but he also has the same comportement as one would. Let's just say, it is the HARDEST KITCHEN I've work in [ sorry Corner Kitchen crew ] , however, it is incredibly rewarding just as well. Things started off rather slowly, learn the ways of HIS kitchen, and the attitude, aptitude and negative flow of the others; Align yourself with the rest and seek out the talented ones, make humorist comments and let your train of thought stay where it needs to stay at all times, it is imperative as a budding chef in a new environment not to let your own skills and talent take the low roads, when clearly you are used to the high ones already.

 It is, in its own way, a place to seek out your humble self. due to the fact that some of these 'cooks' can't cook, or should I say barely. It is not the matter of turning up the stove, cranking the gas, and flipping a few things here and there, I'm talking about taking silent ownership, respect and also teamwork, something that those who I speak apply little or no pressure upon themselves of doing. 

 When it comes to being a chef, calling yourself a chef, or even a sous-chef [ the position I am clearly aiming for ] it is imperative that you not only respect the ingredients, 'protêges vos cuisiniers', but also, that you can have your own lists mentally ready at anytime. Whether is is a need to subtract, add, cancel or change it completely you must be able to do in a whim, those that do not follow this code, which eventually fail at 'the 'life'. 

to be continued.

Monday, September 27, 2010


 To start off, I am now recently a resident of Cherry Log Ga. I have waited for this moment for quite some time, and with the help of a some good friends, a few loves, and a new "adoptive southern-family" I am now more than capable of making this happen for myself and for those little ladies that were sadly left behind, though clearly not forgotten, this is for you my beautiful one, and the little girl who snoozes far too much and smells of campfire warmth.

 This move was one of many reasons, one of the greatest I can speak of, is the total absence of my early environment that I had dearly loved from the very beginning of my ages. Living in a nature sheltered space, only led me to negative thoughts and drawn to a serious lack of inspirational presence and creative flow. As an artist you must surround oneself with what allows you to breathe in your secret silence, nature allows me to run freely within the field of times whilst remaining within my body; it has been a therapeutic method that has saved me from the most desired of destruction. Such capacity and force can only stem from one source, and within my travels to Georgia say two years prior I was given such a sight, such an intensity that flowed through veins and mind, that I knew at once, it was such, that had kept me close to the edge.

One has had such an incredible journey with his loved ones that if we could strengthen the bond by integrating ourselves within this new chapter only greatness could come of it, and it shall, but it will take effort, time and a lot of patience.

 I was told that this would be a hard transition of being kept away, although I knew/know of this to be true, I am also aware of many factors that hardly co-exists within the rulings of a typical union. This, I, she, and We are not your average happily in love, and together forever love song chapter, that most likely falls and follows with a few rainclouds and a sad piece of torn paper burning away at candlelight amidst a stormy night. I am given soul and body, all that needs to be taken in order to cope is hers, and all that she needs to feel loved as well. WE have been bound within "hoursxo" for seven years, and nothing can, shall, or happen to either of us.


I shall part for now.
this was far more for my own personal gain of insight.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

construire son propre chemin.

Well, it would be wise to start off by saying that our vacation was a splendid one! So much rekindling and array of times shared, that truly nothing can or would compare. From the very beginning it had felt very much as if we had this written in fate.

Many wonderful individuals, close to our hearts have helped, if not contributed wholly, for our experience to be one of the very best, and without any doubt it was. From the arrival to our departure, the weather was beautifully adequate, and we were graciously presented with the gift of rain a short few hours after setting the luggage in, S spoke how incredible it would be if it would rain maddly, and within minutes, droplets,became many, and a downpour was upon us. We both decided to have a cup of fresh caribou coffee and jump in the hot tub, ready to go, passionately hand in hand, looking at another, the way it should be done.

I think we forget to truly admire our mate

"it is impervious to superficiality...
it is just us, bones, skin, heart and soul, nothing else,
that is how I love to live life.

Many conversations were shared, and we truly enjoyed ourselves within the outdoors. So much to do, to explore and to admire.

endless flat lands, hot weather, lack of seasons, lack of terrain, lack of activities, the fact that their culinary industry is very slim, and the idea of being a tanned, buffed, beach going wannabee, just doesn't strike me as something remotely invigorating...not the least; Oh and the triple digit hot as hell kitchens that reside around...yes that is just wrong. I don't care who you are, what you own, and how hard you work, that is far beyond normalcy.

On our last night within the Blue Ridge mountains, we wanted to celebrate our best vacation yet, and  with such positive, optimistic vibes, is when things just got better as the night went along.

Harvest On Main

Let's just say that I concluded myself as any passionate chef would whence entering, what would become my new kitchen. I loved it from the very first step, everything just made sense, the mood was perfect, the light were dim, the true cabin feel, with no sense of being overdone or superfluous for that matter, it felt real, the menu looked authentic, seasonal and crafted by someone who actually cares for once, trust me it's been awhile!

We tasted a variety of options and after a few glasses, including one suggestion that was given for us to share, much time passed just talking about possibilities, which led to my questions about wanted help in the kitchen, then as the chef peered outside his little window over looking the bar, things were obvious, this lanky one wants to work here... and guess what? We drove home, I smiled the whole way, updated my resume, gave in my notice, sent my resume the very next morning with a heavy cup of strong coffee, then proceeded to smoke a few long-awaited cigarettes and I got my answer 3days after.

.: je part bientôt :.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

...On est monté par la I-75 N

I am known to be a procrastinator when it comes to a few things, blogging, something I have recently started, I am not the most efficient when it comes to spilling it online. However, I can happily exclaim that ME and MESS are on Vacation in the Mountains! Words can't describe just how kick ass this little place of ours is, and damn well needed.

Here is proof of just how peaceful it is.

86 Chef
